Thursday 5 December 2013

(R/P) Encoding and Decoding

In the 1980s, Stuart Hall, a British sociologist, developed a theory which highlights the importance of active interpretation when it comes to the creation of meaning. This theory is called 'Encoding and Decoding' and it focuses on how meaning is created and then understood by the audience.

The director/creator's intended meaning is encoded based on their ideologies, aims and intentions and the technology available to them.

The audience decodes the meaning based on their ideologies, aims and intentions and the technology available to them.

How can this be applied to my music video?
This theory can be applied to my work because I will be encoding the video with my own ideologies and intentions. In the video, my intent will be that Becky is mourning over the death of her boyfriend after he died tragically and young, although it won't be clear in the video why she is actually sad, but there will be enigma codes, i.e. her giggling and smiling at the person behind the camera, which gives the audience the impression that this person is no longer around when she is appearing sad and mournful. This 'person behind the camera' can be anyone the audience wants them to be: a lover, a friend, a family member; male or female - whoever they want. The reason for this person not being around anymore is also a mystery, so the audience are left to decode that how they want to as well in order to create their own ideal.

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