Tuesday 3 December 2013

(P) Equipment


Above is a video I made using Animoto to give an idea of the sort of equipment I will be using throughout my project. The video is quite short however, as the website only allowed me to make a 30 second video for free (any longer would be quite costly) so therefore I showed the most technology that I could.

Shown in the video firstly is a video camera and tripod which I will book out from sixth form, although I will also use a DSLR camera of my own (a Sony a350) in order to take photographs for the digipak and magazine advert and also for the time lapse effect. Shown next in the video is an Apple Mac which I will use at sixth form as on the Mac there are various different applications that I will use (Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe InDesign CS5, Final Cut, etc.) that will ensure my finished products look as professional as possible. At home I have a laptop which has Adobe Photoshop which I could potentially use in order to create my ancillary tasks, although all my video editing work will probably have to be completed at sixth form on the Macs.

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