Wednesday 4 December 2013

(P) Final Idea / Treatment

Above is a video of me explaining my final idea for my music video. Several things I've realised I've missed out however include:
  1. The time of day that I will be shooting my video - I've researched when the best light appears, and dawn seems like a very effective time of day to shoot 'dark Becky', as this is when there's a very blueish, cold light which could give off a very effective, 'sad' feel. Furthermore, for shooting scenes of 'light Becky' I could use sunrise, as the colours are generally very warm, as well as dusk when the camera shoots colours richer than what the eye can see.
  2. The overall narrative of my music video will be quite simple - dark Becky will be illustrating her pain from losing her loved one, whereas light Becky will be illustrating her happiness from being with her loved one. It will be a very simple tale of romance and tragedy, which although cliché, can be very effective and appealing to audiences.
  3. Dark Becky and light Becky are binary opposites, so in order for my audience to understand one, they have to understand the other.
  4. When editing my video I want to try a layering effect with shots, so that one shot is a couple of seconds faster than the same shot. This effect gives a very surreal, disorienting effect which I believe would look very effective in my video.
  5. In the video I said that I wanted to create a time lapse of 'traffic lights'. By this, I meant a time lapse of cars moving with their lights on. Although I also wanted to create a time lapse of the sunset or sunrise as this would look very peaceful in my video.
  6. The fast, dance parts of the music will illustrate Becky's happiness, whereas the slower bits will illustrate her pain.

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