Friday 31 January 2014

(Pr) Filming Check List

For my second day of filming I've decided to develop a check list to remind me of what props I need to bring with me and also what shots and scenes I need to film:

Light Becky mise-en-scene
  • White baggy t-shirt
  • Denim Shorts
  • White converse
  • Floral crown
  • Pink lipstick
  • Neutral make-up
  • Blue fluffy jumper
  • Pink skirt
Dark Becky mise-en-scene
  • Red dress
  • Black boots
  • Dark, black eyes
  • Bow in hair
  • Red lipstick
  • Rings
  • Black nails
  • Fairy lights
  • Candles
  • Flower petals (for bath)
  • Blanket (for picnic)
  • Chocolates
  • Bed
Scenes to shoot - Light Becky
  • Romantic bath w/ petals floating on top surrounded by candles
  • Becky baking and throwing flour at the camera
  • Laid in bed
  • Candlelit dinner
  • Picnic
  • Eating chocolates
  • Make a heart out of tea lights
Scenes to shoot - Dark Becky
  • Walking through woods - fairy lights in bush
  • Walking along road with heels in her hand
  • Walking outside a church - to show religious, deathly elements
  • Blowing a kiss / pursing her lips
  • Stood in a field with trees behind, twirling around, acting crazy

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