Levi-Strauss said that the way we understand certain words doesn't depend on the meaning they have themselves, but by understanding the difference between the word and its opposite, e.g. the difference between good and evil helps us understand what each word actually is.
One side of the binary is seen as the more valued one by a particular society or culture over the over.
This theory could apply to my work because in my music video the main character is going to be switching between sad and happy states, so in order for the audience to understand her current state of mind they will need to know the difference between both the words happy and sad, so that they can pick up on the codes that signal whether she is happy or sad. For example, if she's smiling and jumping around, they'd know that she's happy, or, if she's frowning, or stood still staring into the distance, then the audience should pick up that she's sad.
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