Thursday 10 October 2013

(R) Media Convergence and Consumption

Media convergence is the idea that different types of media gradually come together because of advances in technology. For example, media can be consumed on various different platforms, i.e. it is now possible to watch a music video on a mobile phone, as opposed to watching MTV via a television.

The internet also allows audiences to possibly access music videos or films before they are officially released, or audiences can access reviews of music videos or films. Due to media convergence, forms of media which were once popular - CDs, for example - are now dying out as they're less able to compete with newer, less expensive forms of technology.

Media convergence has a great impact on the media industry due to its rapid growth - something that is popular today could be outdated in a few months' time.

To begin with, music videos were primarily streamed on MTV and viewed by audiences via a television. However, media convergence now allows audiences to watch music videos via the internet, through websites such as YouTube, where music videos can be streamed and shared with numerous other people, and other users can share their opinions via the comments. This can be very beneficial to an artist/band as it is a free method of distribution and they can gain valuable feedback and popularity because of the possibility of a mass audience viewing and sharing their video.

Media convergence also allows audiences to view an artist/band's song or video via many different platforms, such as mobile phones, iPods and iPads, meaning music videos can be viewed from anywhere in the world, not just where there is a television. Social networking websites also allows videos to be posted, which can allow them to quickly become viral and have a mass audience viewing them.

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