Wednesday 21 August 2013

(R) Creating a Music Video - The Basics

To begin with, I need an action plan on what steps I'm going to take in order to create my music video. So in order to help me with this, I've searched on Google 'creating a music video'. The first link on the page was a WikiHow page titled '8 Ways to Make a Music Video', and reading through 'the long version' has given me useful tips on how to start.
  1. Start with a notebook. Gather my thoughts, think of songs which I could use - think of scenes which could relate to these songs, etc.
  2. Listen to the songs. Think about how each song makes me feel - does it make me happy, sad, want to dance, want to cry, etc. Write all thoughts of each song down and any ideas for how the music video would plan out.
  3. Refine ideas. Once I've thought about how each song could be acted out, I need to think of an actual narrative, what props I need, where it'd need to be filmed, who I'd need to act in it, etc.
  4. Decide which idea/song I prefer. Which idea is most realistic - which will I actually be able to create.
  5. Create a storyboard. Include simple sketches such as position of things in each frame or more detailed including cutaways, expressions, direction of movement, etc. 
  6. Scout locations. Before shooting anything I need a suitable location(s), therefore I need to plan these out.
  7. Cast the video. Make a list of all the characters I will need - make notes on how they look/dress/behave.
  8. Set up the set. Find all props/outfits I will need and then set up the scene which I will shoot.
  9. Start filming.
  10. Edit the video.

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