Monday 19 August 2013

Choosing a Brief

For my Advanced Portfolio, I have chosen the following brief:
A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following options:
  • a website homepage for the band;
  • a digipak for the album's release;
  • a magazine advertisement for the digipak
Out of the three ancillary tasks, I have chosen to create a digipak and a magazine advertisement for the digipak.

I have chosen this brief as video is something I haven't really tried before: my comfort area lies within print and Photoshop, therefore I thought I'd challenge myself and broaden my skills. However, for the ancillary tasks I chose to create a digipak and a magazine advertisement because, as I have just stated, print is comfort area and is what I am most confident with, thus meaning I don't have to learn yet more skills and can therefore focus most of my attention of the main task.

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