Avicii - Wake Me Up
This song has opportunities to go down various different paths as it is a dance song but with slow, thoughtful lyrics in parts. The fast dance bits of the song have the possibility to be shots from parties - people dancing, having fun, not caring. Different people who are at the party would be singing the lyrics during the slow bit: "so wake me up when it's all over, when I'm wiser and I'm older, all this time I was finding myself and I didn't know I was lost" - basically the people involved would all be lost in some way so the mise-en-scene would reflect that in some way.
Idea 2
Lana Del Ray - Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais remix)
End of summer - end of relationship - juxtaposition
Scenery shots from summer (leaves still on trees, etc.) and scenes from summer (snow, etc.)
The summer represents happiness so therefore being the end of summer the main character would feel empty and lost so her actions would reflect this in the video. Juxtaposed to this could be the end of the main character's relationship so they could be looking back on this throughout the video. Lots of scenery shots would be used to reflect the feeling of summer and then the feeling of winter. The happy parts of the video could be styled as though the boyfriend is recording his girlfriend so she will be acting cute and happy and carefree and then it when comes to the end of summer she'll be alone and desolate, sad, etc.
Idea 3
Arctic Monkeys - Mardy Bum
The lyrics for this song represent a couple having their ups and downs, and conventionally, the music video would feature a male being in despair over his girlfriend arguing with him, as he feels he's wrongly accused. Therefore, the music video would feature a boyfriend and girlfriend going through the ups and downs of a relationship: arguing, then making up, etc. throughout the video. There would be cute moments, romantic moments and almost violent, angry moments.
Idea 4
Disclosure - F for You
The lyrics in this song are repetitive: "I've been infected with restless whispers and cheats / That manifested in words and lies that you speak / Because I played the fool for you" which give the impression that a girl/boy has done a boy/girl wrong by fooling them, cheating on them, lying to them, etc. So basically, it would be a break up music video but with an edgy, dance beat. My idea is to have a male stood still, with a neutral expression singing about the girl he fell for. This would be juxtaposed with separate shots of the girl dancing and being care free, etc. as though it's filmed like home video. The male would be shot in a plain, white room, with just a plain close-up of his face while he sings the words. There would be overlays of certain scenes over his face, possibly using a projector. Potentially, there would be an 'Instagram' feel to the video.